Wednesday, December 30, 2015

11 Months Old

11 Months Old

I wish I had an adjective to describe parenthood.  It's the craziest, wildest, and best adventure.  Harrison has changed my life completely.  I am so proud to be his mom and am so excited to see him grow into the wild, kind man he's already starting to become.  Oh, sweet Harrison- I hope you one day realize the unsurpassable amount of joy you've given us in such a short time and we can't wait to watch you grow.  Thank you for being you.  

Playing the drums
Eating any and everything
Ripping up tissue paper and paper towels
Sitting in the shopping cart
Throwing his paci out of his crib during nap time 
Climbing on furniture
Musical instruments
His new big boy chair
Being fed water out of a straw like a baby bird 

Sleeping in his pack n' play on vacation.  Or maybe that's just my dislike because he likes to party at 3:00 when he sees us in the same room... either way...

Nothing new.  He is very adaptable to whatever is going on and is a very flexible baby! 

He is 29.75 inches long!  I refuse to weigh him because I am not stepping on the scale after the holidays.  Check back in a month.  We are still waiting on more teeth, but his two bottom ones are very prominent now.  His hair is getting thicker, and I love love love when he has crazy, messy bedhead.  

-Gives kisses (swoon) -- sometimes when you ask for them, sometimes for no reason at all 
-Hugs and kisses his stuffed animals 
-Stands on his own
-Walks with assistance 
-Says "dada"
-Understands "no" and what's going on around him
-Uses facial expressions to show emotions 

-Golf cart ride 

This month has been pretty challenge free and I'm so very thankful for that.  

I know I've said this a million times, but I just can't believe how quickly time has gone.  Less than a year ago, he was this wrinkly, six pound infant who only knew how to sleep, eat, and poop, and now he's full of energy, personality, and just the most perfect little boy.  It happened so quickly and although I know I soaked in each moment, it feels like the time just slipped through my hands.  

Sunday, December 6, 2015

10 Months Old

10 Months Old 

What in the what?!  10 months old.  It's pretty unbelievable how fast time goes.  I feel like it was just yesterday that I peed on a stick, saw two lines, and did a happy dance while simultaneously freaking out.  And now I have a spunky, wild, curious, very sweet little boy.  He's changing even more every day now as he transitions from a baby to a toddler (WHY?!) and I can't believe how lucky I am to have this kid as my child.  I know, I know- every parent thinks their child is "special" - but, the qualities that I already see in him make me feel like the luckiest mom in the world.  He's always positive, happy, smiling, laughing, and and an all around fantastic handful.

Banging on everything
Scout- his stuffed animal puppy 
The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song


No big changes here.  He has a few bottles a day, lots of solids (he will suck down those pouches in a minute flat), and loves to eat what we're eating.  He sleeps through the night and we love him for that. 

He's 29 inches long- I think, it's not easy to measure a wiggle worm- and weighs 20 lbs 3 oz.  He has two bottom teeth and we think the top ones will poke through any day now.  

-Standing on his own for longer periods of time

-Overnight trip with grandparents 
-Thanksgiving- he tried everything!
-Seminole victory over the Gators :) 

We were out of town a lot this month and Harrison really struggled with sleeping in his pack n' play.  I'm not sure if it was a new environment or teething, but we had a lot of late night (early morning?) snuggle sessions.  And by snuggle sessions, I mean he used us as drums while we begged him to fall asleep. 

Watching him grow is so bittersweet.  As I pack away tiny clothes and watch him get into everything, I can't believe how much he has grown in just 10 short months.  Part of me aches knowing that his time of being a baby is quickly coming to a close, but the other part of me is so elated to watch him grow and enter toddlerhood.  Oh, the feelings! 

Monday, November 2, 2015

9 Months Old

9 Months Newish

This month has been hard for me.  I'm really struggling with being at work and missing him growing and changing by the minute.  He's such a smart, funny, curious, and clever little boy and I wish I was there to experience it more than a few hours a day and on the weekends.  I feel so lucky to have him as my son and just wish we could spend every moment together while he doesn't find me embarrassing, although I look forward to that.  He's changed so much in the past couple of months and I'm so proud of the tiny human he is becoming. 

Puffs & Crunchies-  This kid loves to eat.
Banging on tables
Pulling up and pulling things off of tables (commence baby proofing)
Walker- he does laps around the house 
Smiling and flirting with everyone 

When we take things away
When we walk out of the room

Harrison has three-four 8 oz bottles a day, with solids in between.  He is eating "real" solids sometimes and likes to eat off of our plate.  He's down to an average of one nap, sometimes two, sometimes zero.  He sleeps through the night (unless he's teething) so we can't really complain.  

Finally some new features!  He has one bottom tooth and the other one is making its' way through.  He's still a blue eyed blonde and is more handsome than ever!  I have no idea what he weighs right now (I'm holding out for the doctor's appointment so I don't have to get on the scale), so I'll get back to you on that one.  

-Pulling Up
-Standing on his own for short periods of time

-Trip to Disney World
-Halloween (he was a monkey, duh)

Keeping up with this little man!  He's into EVERYTHING. 

I would give anything to be a stay at home mom.  I know people are split on the issue; some say they would be bored, some say they need the structure of the work day.  And I get both sides, because I've been on both of them.  As a teacher, I have long holidays and normal work days, and after experiencing both I know that I would be happy at home with this little guy.  Unfortunately, it's not in our cards right now, but who knows what the future holds.  So, for those of you lucky enough to be at home, enjoy it, even the frustrating moments, and rock that SAHM life.  And for those that prefer to work, or have to, you go mama!  Either way- we're all in this together and maybe I'll join you for the park play dates in a few years :) 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

8 Months Old

8 Months Newish

My whole heart.  I don't know what I ever did without him.  He makes every day worth waking up to and it's impossible to be in a bad mood with him around.  I am really starting to see his personality shine, and although I know he's going to be a handful, I can also see how adventurous, curious, kind, bubbly, and outgoing he is turning out to be.  I am so proud to be his mama.

Walker- He chases our dog around the house and has turned into a speed demon.
Crawling- He loves his newfound mobility - he gets so proud when he reaches his destination-- he'll look at you and smile and laugh. 
Solid food- We started giving him puffs in the last week or so and he is obsessed!  He would eat them all day if we let him.
Bathtime- He loves splashing in the water and playing with his bath toys.
Anticipation Games-  So many giggles!
Banging things to make noise, lots and lots of noise. 


Getting dressed
Diaper changes 


He eats four 8 oz bottles a day with solid snacks in between.  He takes a morning and an afternoon nap lasting between 30 minutes to two hours long.  He goes to bed between 7-7:30 and sleeps through the night (hallelujah).  

28" long, 19 lbs 14oz, blue eyes, blonde hair.  He's so squishy and perfect.  He has the biggest gummy smile that will melt your heart.


-Pulling up to his knees 
-Pincher grasp
- Holding two toys in both hands
-Waving (not at the right time, but it's so cute to watch him practice)
-Gives open mouth kisses 


-Real solid food (bread)
-Babysitter (woohoo!)

Baby proofing!  Room by room we are figuring out that our previous decor style is not suitable for mobile babies.  Bye bye coffee table and dining room - Hello soft ottoman and play room! 


Time really does fly.  I have a few friends that recently had babies and I can't believe that just 8 months ago Harrison was that tiny.  I remember the sleepless nights and the questions and concerns like it was yesterday, but now my baby is crawling and I get 8 hours of sleep and it happened in the blink of an eye.  I'm cherishing every moment because I know all too soon he'll be a toddler and then a teenager and I want all the snuggles and giggles I can get before then. 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Seven Months Old

Seven Months New

This kid is amazing.  I don't know how we got so lucky.  He is the happiest, goofiest, sweetest baby and every day I am so grateful to hold him in my arms.  I know you've heard me say it a million times, but motherhood is the best thing to ever happen and I feel like life is exactly the way it should be.

Stuffed Animals- Harrison loves to snuggle and throw around stuffed animals - especially his blue puppy.
Rocking back and forth on his knees- he's almost crawling!
Smiling & Laughing 


Doing the same activity for too long
Being hungry (just like mama)


We have the same schedule as last month- so no big changes here :)
7ish- 8 oz bottle, hang out in bed and play/mom and dad drink coffee
9ish- Fruit snack time! 
10ish-Morning nap
12ish- 8 oz bottle, more playtime
2ish- Time for a veggie snack
3ish- Afternoon nap- Mom comes home!
4ish- 8 oz bottle
7ish- 8 oz bottle
7:15ish- Bedtime 

27.75 inches long and 19 lbs 3 oz- this boy is growing!  He has lots of blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes.  He's the cutest baby ever :)


-Rocks back and forth on his knees
-Scoots (usually backwards)
-Puts his paci in his mouth
-Holds his own bottle
-Puts his foot in his mouth
-Working on making consonant noises
-Stands with support
-Is mobile in his walker
-Goes from tummy to sitting


-Mixed fruits & veggies
-Museum visit (MOCA)

None come to mind- he's seriously so great :)


Being back at work is a challenge for me, but knowing he is at home with Mike makes things easier.  When I come home and see him smile at me it makes it all worth it.  I love him so much and am so lucky he's mine :)

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Six Months Old

Six Months New

Half a year.  I seriously can't believe it.  This has been the quickest six months of my life.  Everyone warned me that time speeds up when you have children and they were not kidding.  I've learned and loved more in these last months than I ever have and I am so incredibly grateful to be a mother to this little boy.  He is absolutely perfect and I wouldn't have life any other way.

We have had quite the busy month.  Harrison learned how to sit up on his own and I opened a business.  Life is just so wonderful right now and even though there are some tough days I've never been happier.  Happy half birthday little man!  Here's to another amazing six months (and many, many more).

Eating- H is really digging solid foods now.  He's eager to eat and knows exactly what's coming when I strap him in his highchair.  He bangs on the table when he wants more and opens up wide for each bite.
Yoga- Once a week we attend a Mommy and Me yoga class.  He giggles and squeals for the whole class, and then takes a very nice nap.  
Eating his toys- Especially the crinkly ones.
Attention- He has learned how to turn on the charm.  He turns into a little ham when people are paying attention to him, and draws the attention right back when they stop.  
Water- He's been playing a lot in the water this summer -splash park, bath, pool- and he loves it!
Singing- If you sing, he will stop crying.  It's awesome.  His main jam is The Itsy Bitsy Spider, but he's open to most genres.  
Hair- He's more than happy to pull your hair and he is slightly obsessed with Dad's beard.

He's sleeping for about 12 hours with no diaper changes or feedings!  But, we do have to swoop in when his paci falls out at night before he has a meltdown (this is anywhere from 1-5 times a night). 

Being bored

We are still on a pretty good schedule:
7ish- 8 oz bottle, hang out in bed and play/mom and dad drink coffee
9ish- Snack time!  We have a fruit in the morning- his favorite right now is applesauce
10ish-Morning nap
12ish- 8 oz bottle, more playtime
2ish- Time for a veggie snack
3ish- Afternoon nap
4ish- 8 oz bottle
6ish-Bathtime/Wait for Dad to come home
7ish- 8 oz bottle
7:15ish- Bedtime 

H is 17 lbs 10 oz and 27.25 inches long!  His blonde hair is really coming in and he just keeps getting more handsome.  He's starting to look like a little boy now, which is crazy.  

-Sits unsupported
-Kisses with his mouth open
-Rolls to get places
-Makes new noises (different sounds, blows raspberries, pants)
-Holds his own bottle for short periods of time 

-Dip in the pool
-Sitting in a shopping cart

Self soothing.  We are struggling with this at night.  I've heard a few different suggestions so we will be trying those out soon (nap time with no paci or put multiple pacis in his crib).  Hopefully something works because I am dying for a full night's rest.  

Playing stay at home mommy has been so fun.  I love taking him places and experiencing the new things he is learning and doing.  I know my time at home is coming to an end as fall approaches, so I plan on spending the next three weeks packing in as many play-dates, zoo visits, and snuggle sessions as possible.  

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Five Months Old

Five Months New

I feel like my life is finally back to "normal."  I sleep (enough) at night, I'm able to have 2+ cups of coffee a day, and Harrison is in a predictable routine.  I don't feel like a complete mad woman when I step out of the house and it is fabulous!  For a while, I was worried that I would never feel like me again, but I'm back and better than ever.  Motherhood has given me a confidence boost and is turning me into a stronger woman.  Cheers to that!

Learning- I absolutely LOVE watching his brain work.  When he wants to figure something out he becomes super serious and practices until he gets his new skill down.  I can see his wheels spinning and it's so amazing to see him figure out new things every day.  I can really see how hard he works to learn something new and I hope it's a trait that he holds on to for the rest of his life.
Jumper-  He is still obsessed with his jumper.  I can set him in it while I'm working on something and he is perfectly content.  He becomes extremely vocal in it as he bounces his way to each learning station.
Giggle time with Dad- When Mike comes home it's on.  Mike can make this kid laugh like no other.  Harrison has a big kid laugh now and it seriously cracks me up.  This kid is hysterical.

Outfit changes- It's happening.  Everyone warned me that he would stop enjoying having his clothes changed and it's here.  Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
Strangers- Separation anxiety has started to kick in.  His best display of this was at the nail salon.  My mom and I had the brilliant idea to get our nails done together at the same time.  He was asleep when we arrived and we assumed we were in the clear, but he quickly squashed that dream.  When he awoke, he was a little whiny.  I was doing my best to rock him in his stroller with my foot while my nails were being burned by a UV light, but he was determined to make a scene.  One of the nice nail ladies offered to hold him after watching my struggle, and well, things just got worse.  I have never seen him meltdown like before and it was traumatizing.  There were tears, screams, flailing- it was just plain awful.  Lesson learned.
Avocado- This is the only solid food that he spit out.  Hopefully he'll come around.

Harrison has set a schedule for himself, which makes life pretty easy.  He goes to bed around 7:30 and sleeps until 4:00-5:00.  Then, he just needs his paci and falls back to sleep until 6-6:30.  At that time, I bring him in our room and nurse him.  Sometimes he falls back asleep until 8:00, and sometimes he's wide awake.  He then gets a 6 oz bottle around 8:30, plays for a while, then takes a nap at 10:30ish.  The length of his nap is anywhere from 45 minutes to three hours (those three hours ones are a win).  He eats again at noon (7 oz), takes an afternoon nap, eats a snack (solid food), downs another 6 oz bottle at 4, and then we wait for Dad to get home.  Once my saving grace has walked in the door our nighttime routine begins.  H is a super easy and wonderful baby, but there is nothing better than getting help at the end of the day.  We take a bath at 6:00, then giggle time with Dad, 8 oz bottle at 7:00, and finally bedtime after a super exciting goodnight drama- Llama Llama Nighty Night.

He is still a blue eyed blondie.  He is growing like a weed and he just gets cuter each day.  He is about to outgrow his 3-6 month clothing, so I'll need to invest in some more storage containers so I can cry while I pack those away.  He is wearing size 2 diapers during the day and size 3 at night.  I haven't checked his weight because that would require me getting on the scale, but my best guess would be that he is at least 16 pounds.

-Range of vocals
-Discovered feet
-Sitting unsupported for (very) short periods of time
-Eating solid food
-Recognizes his name
-Stands with support
-Deep belly laughs
-Knows the word "puppy" in reference to our dog
-Scoots (all over his crib and play mat)

-Father's Day
-Solid Food (cereal, then green beans)
-Mommy & Me Yoga Class
-Storytime at the library

Please don't hate me, but I can't think of anything to write here.  Sure, we have the occasional struggles.  He is fussy at a restaraunt, he woke up more than usual, he peed in my hair during bath time (true story), but all in all he is easy.  I am truly lucky to have him as a son.

It just keeps getting better.  I think back to the newborn stage and am in awe of how we did it.  He's SO easy now, and he just keeps getting easier.  The struggle was real, and if you're in the infant stage, hang on.  There's a light at the end of the tunnel.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Four Months Old

Four Months New

I did it.  I went back to work, and then kept going back.  On the first day I cried, a lot, like an abnormal amount.  But, by the end of the week I was able to hold back my tears and leave him without black mascara streaming down my face.  Fortunately, I only have one more week of work until I get 8 more wonderful weeks with him- perks of teaching!  I'm lucky to work with such wonderful people who spoiled me with coffee and chocolate upon my return to ease the pain.  I'm also lucky to have an extra large fridge to hold all the wine bottles I need to make the transition easier. 

Although I was an absentee mother at work this month, I actually don't feel like I missed any huge milestones or that my child has forgotten me.  I still got to witness all his new experiences and made it through the day with picture updates.  I feel like working has made me treasure the time I do get with him more and nothing is better than his smile when I walk in the door.  Don't worry husband, I'm still down to be a stay at home mom if the opportunity arises.   

-Talking- H has discovered his voice and he has so much to say!  I'm pretty sure the only one who understands him is our dog, but it's adorable either way.
-Jumper- Harrison's feet finally touch the floor in his jumper and he is now obsessed with it.  He's learned to press the buttons to make music, spin the toys around, and bounce a little bit.  Sometimes he just lounges back in it and stares at the fan- he's a simple man.
-Bumbo- If we are in the kitchen cooking or eating, he joins us at the table in his Bumbo.  He loves being able to sit up and join us in light conversation and wine.
-Bath time- We have started giving H real baths where he is submerged in his seat and he is really coming around to them.  He likes being squirted by the toys and kicking his feet in the water.  He really likes when you sing him silly bath songs, so scrub a dub dub has become my new jam.
-Changing Table- He loves having his diapers and clothes changed during the day.  He laughs and smiles and it makes changing poopy diapers way more fun than it should be.  
-Naps!!!!!!!!! FINALLY.
-So many things.. we have one happy kid.

Honestly, not much.  He gets hangry on occasion, but that runs in the family.

Harrison's schedule changed slightly this month since I abandoned him to hang out with teenagers.  He'll thank me one day when we can continue to pay our mortgage and not have to live in the gazebo across the street.  His sleep schedule is a mystery to me.  He either sleeps through the night from 7:30ish to 5:00ish, or will wake at 1:00 or 3:00.  You never know what you're going to get.  I can't complain though, he is sleeping long stretches either way and goes right back to sleep after he has a midnight snack.  During the day he is still eating every two hours and his formula intake has increased since I can only pump one time at work.  Thanks to that, I've had two clogged ducts and am ready to throw in the towel because OW.  Enough about my boobs, back to the baby.  He takes two to three naps a day, sometimes 20 minutes, sometimes two hours.  We take him everywhere and he's very adaptable to any situation.  We got lucky with this one, which makes me nervous for our second baby in the future. 

Blue eyes, blonde hair, chunky thighs.  Need I say more?
He's 26 inches long and weighs 14 pounds 13.5 ounces.  He is wearing Pampers Swaddlers, size 2, and is in 3-6 month clothing (6 months in the Carters brand).  He's one chunky monkey.  

-Sitting supported
-Rolling all the way over- back to front to back 
-Reaching for and grabbing toys... then eating them
-Holding his small bottle
-Holding his hands together

-Mother's Day
-Beach trip
-Wore sunscreen 
-Zoo adventure 

The biggest struggle this month was being away from him.  He was fine and probably didn't even notice I was gone, but it was definitely a challenge for me.  We survived though and there is an end in sight...until August.

Each month gets better and better.  I keep thinking that each stage is the best stage, but then he does something new and it's even cooler than the last thing.  I love watching him grow and learn and celebrate each victory with him.  This little boy is the best thing that's happened to me and I love him more each day, even though that seems impossible.  

Mother's Day 2015

Toes in the sand

Friday, May 1, 2015

Three Months Old

Three Months New

I'm decent at a lot of things, but I've never been great at any one thing (agree to disagree, Mom).  I graduated with honors, my students leave at the end of the year knowing what a thesis statement is, I can cook spaghetti, but I could never say, "I'm awesome at ______."  My husband, on the other hand, is a man of many talents.  He cooks gourmet meals with no recipes, builds custom furniture, can fix whatever I break, and so much more.  I know I'm lucky to have him, but it doesn't stop me from being jealous at times because he is great at everything.  And just so he ego doesn't get too inflated from this, he's not perfect…but he really is great.  

Anyway, I finally found my greatness.  I feel like I can finally say, "I'm awesome at being Harrison's mom."  I have no idea what I'm doing half of the time, but every night, when he is sleeping peacefully in his crib, I feel like a rockstar.  At the end of each day he is clean, full, worn out from activities and outings, and most importantly, he is loved.  So, I might not be great at everything, but I feel pretty great about this one thing.

-Playmat- We start each morning on our play mat and H loves it more and more.  We start on his back and he grabs and kicks the toys, and then we move to tummy time.  
-Mom's singing- or maybe he dislikes it?  I usually have music on while we are playing and when I sing and dance he cracks up.  
-Diaper & Clothing Changes- He is all smiles on his changing pad, unless it's the middle of the night.
-Bath Time-  He doesn't really care about the bath, but he LOVES being dried off and then lotioned up before bedtime.  
-Pooping in his carseat- this has become a thing.
-Bedtime routine
-EATING.  He is over 13 lbs now, fatty. 
-Puppy kisses- our lab gives him a kiss every now and then and H tries to kiss him back with a lick; it's pretty adorable. 
-K'tan Carrier- I returned the Boba and got the K'tan Breeze Carrier- it is AMAZING.  It's a pre-done wrap and makes life so much easier.  

-When someone besides Mom or Dad holds him when he's sleepy.
-Naps- I've gotten a couple long stretches this month, but he usually fights daytime sleep.
-Being held horizontally- he wants to see what's going on.

Between 2-3 AM Harrison wakes up for a diaper change and a nighttime feed.  He goes right back to bed and sleeps until 5.  From 5 on I feed him about every hour, hour and a half, until 9 because we both fall asleep on the job.  Then we start our day- coffee for me, play time for H.  We do tummy time, cheer for rolling over victories, read books, and practice sitting up in the Bumbo.  Then around 11, H is hungry again.  After that he eats every 2-3 hours.  In the afternoon we run errands and get out of the house or we have more playtime and the occasional nap.  He has a pre-dinner snack around 6, takes a bath, puts on jammies (he's in 6 month jammies, WHAT?!), and eats his final 6 oz bottle for the night.  He is usually asleep by 8, which gives us some time to eat dinner and catch up on trashy TV.  I am currently breastfeeding him all day and only pumping once at night.  For his nighttime bottle he either gets 6 oz of formula or a mixture of breast milk and formula (depending if I have any extra).  On occasion he will get formula during the day if we are out and I don't have any expressed milk.  I'm sure his formula intake will increase soon when I return to work, and it is what it is.      

He just keeps getting cuter!  I can't believe how much he has changed in 3 months.  His eyes are an incredible shade of blue and continue to lighten.  His hair is starting to come in and it is very blonde.  He is a chunky monkey and I adore each and every roll.  He is now in size 2 diapers and 3-6 month clothing.  His smile is huge and goofy and melts my heart.  He giggles all the time, and it's the best sound I've ever heard.

-Rolling over- At the beginning of the month he started rolling from his stomach to his back.  Now, he has starting rolling from his back to his stomach in his crib, which totally freaks me out.  Now, I spend the night staring at the monitor and creeping in his room to check on him.  More coffee please.  
-Bringing objects to mouth- H is starting to discover different textures by bringing his toys to his mouth and munching on them.
-Blowing bubbles
-Being awesome- he's mastered this skill.

-Road trip- he was great!
-Flirting with strangers- he is starting to flash his goofy smile at the ladies.
-Sip & See- Oma held a Sip & See party for H so that everyone could admire him.
-Visting Dad at work
-Visiting Mom's work 

Honestly, this month was pretty challenge free.  Harrison is a great baby and I'm so grateful for that.  He has his witching hour every night, but with a glass of wine it's easy to conquer.  I know we'll have plenty of challenges ahead, so I'll call month 3 a win.   

Don't google anything.  Once I stopped googling everything, I felt more confident and trusted my instincts instead of strangers on the inter webs.  If I have questions I go to my pediatrician, mommy friends, or grandmas.  New mama's, put your phone down and step away from the community boards.    

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Two Months Old

Two Months New

I totally get it.  I understand why the Duggars had 19 (20?) kids.  Ok, that many kids is excessive, but I finally see why people want big families.  During the last month of my pregnancy and the first few weeks with a newborn I repeatedly told my husband that he better like this child because this was the only one he was getting.  I was so uncomfortable and after a 30 hour labor and being deprived of endless hours of sleep I never wanted to do it again.  Until now.  The love I have for my child is infinite and I know I want to share that love with another one… in a few years.  I'm still recovering over here.  Right now though, it's just us and I've never been happier.  I'm not ready to share him just yet.  The first month was a struggle, but month two has brought so much joy that I can't wait to continue to see Harrison grow and learn as I fall more deeply in love with him.

-Playmat- he is still enjoying his playmat and is becoming more interested with the toys each day.  Grandma bought him some extra links so he can reach the toys and now he hangs out there for long periods of time grabbing at the toys and links.  I love that he can entertain himself.  Of course, I should be doing housework while he plays, but I usually just sit and watch him instead.
-Pacis- I noticed that he wasn't sucking on the soothie paci unless I held it in his mouth for him, which I can't always do. So, I switched to a different type of paci that has a flat nipple on the bottom and he sucks on it like a champ now!
-Eating- This kid can EAT.  At his 2 month appointment he was 11 pounds and .05 oz.  No more weight gain concerns for this one.
-Snuggling- Harrison will snuggle for hours, which is why I never get anything done around the house.
-Changing clothes- Every time I undress and dress him he just smiles and smiles.
-Staring at objects- lights, fans, mobiles…
-Being tickled by Daddy--- this leads to giant smiles and giggles. 

-Being woken up- but who likes that?
-Being gassy- thank goodness for those drops!
-Being hungry- waiting on a bottle is the end of the world.

During the daytime I feed Harrison on demand, usually every 2 hours.  I breastfeed him during the day, usually adding a 1-2 oz bottle of breast milk or formula around lunchtime if he still seems hungry.  If we are going to be out for a long period of time during the day I try to pump and bottle-feed him, but use formula if we're in a pinch.  During the day we run errands, play, do tummy time, and take cat naps.  Harrison is not much of a napper, unless he's been in the car.  Around 8PM, he gets a 6-7 oz bottle (4 oz formula + 2-3 oz breast milk).  He typically goes to bed around 9PM (occasionally getting up for a midnight snack) and will wake up anytime between 4-6AM.  After that he goes back to sleep and starts waking every 2 hours to eat again.  

Harrison is so incredibly handsome, although I might be bias.  His eyes are greenish-blue and light up when we play with his toys, smile at him, or tickle him.  His dark hair has fallen out and is being replaced with a blondish red peach fuzz.  He is a tall baby (22.25 in), and his chicken legs are long gone.  My favorite things about him are his monkey toes and his dimples.  There's nothing better.  He has officially outgrown his newborn clothes and I bawled my eyes out as I packed those away.  Sometimes I stare at the packed away clothes and am blown away by how tiny he once was and how much he has already changed.  He is now wearing size 0-3 clothing and size 1 diapers and I am convinced he grows overnight.  

-Grasps objects- he loves to hold on to the rings of his moose during car rides or walks in his stroller 
-Holds his neck up (he barely needs support anymore!)

-SMILES (at us)
-Sleeping through the night- Ok, he only did this a few nights, but I count it as a victory.  
-Birthday Party
-Brewery (Yes, we are the people that take our baby to bars)
-St. Patrick's Day
-Lacrosse Game
-Being worn in a Boba Wrap
-Voting for mayor 

We are having a hard time transitioning to the crib.  H has officially moved out of our room, but is still sleeping in his rocker.  Every time I try to put him in the crib to sleep he wakes up crying.  He hangs out in there during the day with no problems, but he just won't sleep in it.  Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.  

I can't believe I only have one month left for maternity leave.  It absolutely hurts my heart to go back to work and not spend my days with Harrison.  I'm lucky to have family willing to come watch him until my summer break, but it still kills me that I won't be the one making him smile or consoling him when he cries while I'm at work.  Looks like I should start buying lotto tickets- wish me luck.  

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

One Month Old

One Month New

The final month of pregnancy lasted an eternity, but my first month with Harrison went by in hyper speed.  Our first month has been an adventure- an amazing, challenging, incredible adventure. 

The first two weeks were the hardest.  I assumed my momma bear instincts would kick in as soon as he came out, but I found myself somewhat hands off asking Mike to do most of the work because I was so scared to break him and felt completely overwhelmed.  I was also recovering from a 30 hour labor and was not aware of how sore and tired I would be.  Tired is an understatement- I didn't know a zombie state like that existed.  I honestly don't remember much of the first week- it's a blur of being in the hospital, trying to breastfeed, and keeping a tiny human alive for another day.  The second week was even harder for me.  Mike went back to work and my post partum hormones kicked in to high gear.  I cried all day long.  I cried during commercials, I cried because I didn't want him to grow up, I cried because he was so tiny, I cried because I was hungry, I cried because he was hungry… If someone sneezed I could have cried about it.  It was an emotional roller coaster of ups and downs mixed in with a lack of sleep and I am so thankful that week is over and we all survived.  Once we hit week three everything changed.  I suddenly felt like Harrison and I understood each and other and each day made sense.  I've loved him since the moment I met him, but each day I fall a little harder for him.

Play Mat- Harrison LOVES his play mat.  I started using this with him around week 3 for tummy time and quickly discovered that he is mesmerized by it.  He loves to stare at himself in the mirror, look at the bright colors, and kick his feet and hands around.  He does well with tummy time in it too, but he prefers to just hang out in there on his back for awhile.  
Soothie Pacifier- H loves this paci along with his wubanub.  It helps him self-soothe, fight boredom, and fall asleep.  
Footie Jammies- Harrison lives in footie jammies by Carters.  I find that they keep him warm and are the easiest to dress him and change him.  Also, he looks freaking adorable in them.  
Disney Pandora- He loves listening to this while he's in his play mat.  If he doesn't like it, then at least it's keeping me entertained.  
Swing- This is the best way to keep our little man asleep. He loves having the rocker on during nap and bedtime.  But, he does not like to stay in it for long once he's awake.
Snuggling- This baby LOVES to snuggle.  He would be happiest if he never left our arms, but sometimes mama needs to shower.  
Napping in the Car- Works every time. 
Fans & Lights- He is always staring at lights and fans when they are on. 

Harrison does not like diaper changes, being cold, being put in his rocker while he's awake, or waiting too long to be fed.  He is also fussy when he has gas, but these drops are a life saver for all of us.  He's a pretty easy going baby and is happy most of the time so I can't complain.

Ha. We have no schedule.  Our schedule is whatever Harrison wants.  He tends to eat every 2-3 hours during the day, but some days it seems that he is eating every hour. At night though, we do tend to have  a schedule of waking, changing, and eating every 4 hours, which is pretty doable.  He usually eats at 11:00 pm, 3:00 am, and 6:30-7 am.  We have only had a couple of rough nights during growth spurts.  Harrison usually falls asleep after eating, so we are following an eat-sleep-play regiment during the day.  Or again, whatever Harrison wants.  

Harrison has Daddy's body type- long and skinny- he did not get that from me.  His chicken legs are scrumptious, but now that he's putting on a few pounds I am starting to see some mini-rolls develop.  His hair is starting to thicken and is light brown color, which has hints of red in the sun.  His eyes started as a dark midnight blue and have started to lighten up. He also has dimples that I'm obsessed with.  Basically, he's perfect and amazing and I love him.  

I feel like we reach a new milestone each day, but here are the ones that stick out to me:
Harrison can…
-Suck his thumb
-Track objects with his eyes, like his mobile or our faces
-Grasp my finger, which he does while eating and my heart just melts
-Respond to loud noises except for the dogs barking (yay!)
-Lift his head when we are holding him upright or doing tummy time

H experienced his first…
-Shopping Trip
-Car Ride
-Holiday (Valentine's Day)
-Everything… there are so many firsts this month! 

Our biggest challenge this month was breastfeeding and weight gain.  When we came home from the hospital, Harrison stopped latching on.  We tried all day and night, which led to a 3:00 am melt down for both of us- he was screaming, I was bawling, and there was nothing Mike could do to help.  Finally, after many tears and feeling like a failure we gave him a bottle of formula.  I spent the next few days feeling like an awful mom and comparing myself to everyone else while I pumped to help my milk come in and we fed him a mixture of formula and colostrum.  I gave up on breastfeeding for a few days because it just led to frustration and tears and was not working for anyone in this house.  After talking to the pediatrician and other moms, I realized that breastfeeding is HARD and everyone has had challenges.  Once I realized that I wasn't alone in this we gave it another go and by day 9 we were back on the boob!  Since then we have been breastfeeding, pumping, and supplementing with formula due to lack of weight gain in the first couple of weeks.  I actually like that he has all of these options because I know we aren't going to have problems with nipple confusion, not taking formula, or have issues with other people feeding him.  I wish I had known that breastfeeding is not as natural and easy as it seems my hope is that by being open about it others won't have the same feelings of failure that I did.  The important thing is that my baby is being fed and is healthy in whatever form he needs.  

Being a mom is the most incredible thing in the whole wide world.  I've only being doing it for a month now, but I already know that this indescribable feeling is worth every late night, every tear shed, and every tough moment.  Even when my hair is covered in vomit I can't help but smile at him, and then promptly take a shower.  The most important thing I have learned so far is to do what is best for you and your baby and to not compare yourself to anyone else.  Once I realized this and took it to heart, everything else fell in to place.