Monday, February 8, 2016

12 Months Old

12 Months Old

Happiest of birthdays to my little wild man!  I can't believe he's ONE!  He is growing into the goofiest, kindest, most curious boy and it's been a joy to watch him explore and grow this past year.  His personality (and he's got a big one) is shining and he is learning more each day.  My heart is so full that sometimes I feel like it might explode.  I love you, Hairbear, Happy Birthday! 

Drinking out of straws
Eating- all. the. time.
Mickey Mouse
Climbing in and out of chairs
Being tickled
Indian food

Being overtired

Eat, play, eat, eat, play, sleep, eat, play, eat, eat, eat, play, bath, sleep. 

I totally got his chart wrong for his birthday--oops!  He is 31 inches long, 20.11 lbs, has two bottom teeth (his top two popped through just after his b-day), his hair is finally getting thicker, and he's just wonderful.  

-We have a WALKER!!
-Says "dada," "baba," "yaya," and FINALLY said "mama" after his birthday (ok, today 2/8/16). 

-Fed a giraffe

We had a couple grumpy weeks that I'm blaming on teething, but overall this was another super month with H!

And just like that I have a toddler.  I feel like I was pregnant yesterday, but that I've also known him forever.  It's such a surreal feeling.  I am so happy to watch him grow, but can't help feeling a little sad knowing that he's no longer a tiny little thing (although I do really enjoy my sleep).  But for real, MOTHERHOOD IS THE BEST.

I can't wait to celebrate a million more birthdays with you.  Thanks for making the world a better place, Harrison.  

Thank you to everyone for following along on my journey of stuffing my face with donuts, crying over a precious baby, and the constant influx of Harrison pictures.  You guys rock.