Sunday, December 6, 2015

10 Months Old

10 Months Old 

What in the what?!  10 months old.  It's pretty unbelievable how fast time goes.  I feel like it was just yesterday that I peed on a stick, saw two lines, and did a happy dance while simultaneously freaking out.  And now I have a spunky, wild, curious, very sweet little boy.  He's changing even more every day now as he transitions from a baby to a toddler (WHY?!) and I can't believe how lucky I am to have this kid as my child.  I know, I know- every parent thinks their child is "special" - but, the qualities that I already see in him make me feel like the luckiest mom in the world.  He's always positive, happy, smiling, laughing, and and an all around fantastic handful.

Banging on everything
Scout- his stuffed animal puppy 
The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song


No big changes here.  He has a few bottles a day, lots of solids (he will suck down those pouches in a minute flat), and loves to eat what we're eating.  He sleeps through the night and we love him for that. 

He's 29 inches long- I think, it's not easy to measure a wiggle worm- and weighs 20 lbs 3 oz.  He has two bottom teeth and we think the top ones will poke through any day now.  

-Standing on his own for longer periods of time

-Overnight trip with grandparents 
-Thanksgiving- he tried everything!
-Seminole victory over the Gators :) 

We were out of town a lot this month and Harrison really struggled with sleeping in his pack n' play.  I'm not sure if it was a new environment or teething, but we had a lot of late night (early morning?) snuggle sessions.  And by snuggle sessions, I mean he used us as drums while we begged him to fall asleep. 

Watching him grow is so bittersweet.  As I pack away tiny clothes and watch him get into everything, I can't believe how much he has grown in just 10 short months.  Part of me aches knowing that his time of being a baby is quickly coming to a close, but the other part of me is so elated to watch him grow and enter toddlerhood.  Oh, the feelings! 

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