Sunday, September 28, 2014

Week 21

Baby is the size of a {Baby} Bok Choy

21 weeks, 5 days
My apps have me all confused with my edible comparison options this week,
so I went with baby bok choy.  I also forgot to search for it at the store, so thanks to google images.

Harrison is about 10.5 inches and is starting to put on some fat.

How far along? 21 weeks
Maternity clothes? When is it acceptable to start wearing yoga pants to work?  
Stretch marks? So far, so good. 
Sleep: Is that something people do for more than an hour at a time?  I can't remember... 
Best moment(s) this week: Having my best friend Kristin make a spontaneous trip to come see me (and a few other people)!  It took some convincing via snap chat, but by Friday afternoon she was in her car and on the way to good ol' Jacksonville.  We got to catch up, watch the game, design the nursery, and of course shop for Baby H.
Miss Anything? Brunch.  I mean the food is great and all, but I could really use a mimosa.      
Movement: Harrison has been out in full force this week!  I think he might be a ninja.  I feel him throughout the day and constantly in the evening and at night.  If this is the pattern he is developing, then I see some very long nights in my future.  I also saw my stomach move due to his kicks or punches for the first time.  Of course every time I try to record it he gets camera shy.  
Food cravings: Did you know that they make edible, egg-free cookie dough?  They do, and it's spectacular.  I'm eating it right now.  Good-bye donuts, hello cookie dough!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week
Gender: Little man :)
Labor Signs: Noooooooooooo
-Hunger- I am a bottomless pit. 
-Pregnancy Brain- it's real and it's happening.  See comment about bok choy above.  
Belly Button in or out? Innie. 
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! I'm feeling great, I have a cookie dough in my hand, and we are making progress on the nursery!  
Looking forward to: Mike finishing the crib- almost done!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Week 20

Baby is the Size of a Banana

Holy [insert explicative of choice here]!  We are halfway there.  When, why, how did this happen!?  I am beyond thrilled to be halfway there because that means I'm that much closer to holding my sweet baby boy and a glass of wine, but I'm not sure where the time went.  Some days it feels like I've been pregnant forever, but most days I look down and am confused about whether I ate too many Chipotle burritos or if there is actually a tiny human inside of me.  

This week we had our 20 weeks check-up and I am so grateful that all is well in the world of Baby Hall.  I was nervous going into this appointment because all three of my apps kept emphasizing that this would be the appointment where the doctor could really see if something was not developing correctly.  I know that a majority of people have normal, healthy pregnancies, but there is always a chance that something could go wrong so it was such a relief to know that he's healthy and happy in there.    

20 weeks, 4 days
Harrison's first trip to Disney World! 

Harrison is becoming more responsive and aware as his nervous system becomes more developed.

Harrison Updates:

-Harrison is currently 14 oz.  My app says he should be about 10.4 oz this week.  The ultrasound tech said his weight is healthy and means he's doing well in there.  Harrison- please don't be a huge baby; we have some seriously cute newborn clothes I need to squeeze you into.  Also, I'm not sure if my body can handle anything over 8 pounds.  I'll slow down on the donuts to help you out. 

-The ultrasound tech also commented on a feature Harrison must be getting from his father- LONG LEGS!  Those most certainly did not come from me.    

-I'm still in the process of meeting all of the doctors at my practice, and every time we meet someone new they all have the same comment for Harrison- "He's SO active in there!"  What I'm gathering is that my son is going to be a mini-me of his dad- busy!! His heart rate was 155 bpm, which is still so awesome to hear!  Mike bought me a heart rate monitor for my birthday, which we can start using at 26 weeks- can't wait to listen to Baby H at home! 

-My due date has been officially changed. My doctor changed my due date on paper last time, which I didn't know, to January 29th.  This time the doctor said she was moving it to January 27th.  I told her I was still under the impression that it was February 3rd, so she changed it to February 1st to meet in the middle.  I know that most first babies come late, so I'm going to stick with the 3rd, and if he comes before that I'll be one happy mama.  Unless it happens at work- that is my worst nightmare.  No offense to my students, but the last thing I want to see as I go into labor is my classroom.  

How far along? 20 weeks
Maternity clothes? Of course.  I bought myself some new jeans and work pants this week.  I'm concerned I may never go back to regular pants.  
Stretch marks? Not at the moment.  If there is a stretch mark god, thank you and keep up the good work.  
Sleep: It is what it is.
Best moment(s) this week: 
1) Hearing our baby is happy and healthy and seeing his cute little nugget self move around in there.
2)The kicks-- I just adore them!
3) Spontaneous trip to Disney World.  I know we won't be able to take last minute trips once Baby H is here, so we are taking advantage while we can.
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back and stomach.  I'll never take that for granted again. 
Movement: SO MUCH!  I am feeling him so much more this week- in the morning, occasionally during the day, and always at night for longer periods of time.  Mike even felt him once this week.  H was going nuts in there so Mike rested his hand on my belly and about a minute later he started partying again and Mike said he felt it on his palm.  He was amazed.  I love when he can share in these experiences, because most of his baby experiences so far have been building cribs and breaking down boxes.  When he talks about Harrison I fall more in love with him- I can't wait to see our bond and marriage grow after H is here.  
Food cravings: Still cereal, raisins, and anything pastry like!  I made the mistake of having a cronut at Disney World.  Now I want more and I can't have them!  I'm not sure if a donut will cut it after having something so much more delicious.  *Note to self- open a local cronut shop. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: No complaints this week.
Gender: Still a boy- confirmed again this week! 
Labor Signs: No. NO.
-Weight Gain - We are halfway through and I have gained 8.4 lbs.  In the first trimester, I lost about two pounds due to nausea and probably from my lack of wine consumption.  I thought the numbers on the scale would freak me out, but it actually excites me when I gain a little because it means he's growing.  I've gained slowly and steadily so far, and I'm hoping I can keep up this pace for the rest of my pregnancy.  
Belly Button in or out? In- please stay in. 
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy happy! 
Looking forward to: My baby shower in a little over a month!  I saw the invites this week and I can't wait to celebrate with everyone! 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Week 19

Baby is the Size of a Mango

19 weeks, 3 days

Harrison's 5 senses are developing.
Hopefully Biz develops the sense that his baby brother is on the way.

I celebrated my 27th birthday this week and was spoiled rotten with gifts for my sweet baby, which is all I wanted.  Thank you to everyone who made my day so special.  Here's a look at some of the goods :)
Botany Graco Rocker
Biz was not enthused about testing this product

Botany Graco Stroller with Carseat
 Harrison's sweet ride

Grows with baby!

Diaper Bag

Harrison's first monogrammed outfit!

How far along? 19 weeks
Maternity clothes? I get to wear pants with elastic.  I don't think it gets better than this.     
Stretch marks? No- maybe I'll get lucky!
Sleep: I've given up on hoping to sleep through the night.  I'm constantly waking myself up to switch sides or use the restroom.  I'm learning to live with less sleep, which I hear comes in handy once the baby arrives.
Best moment(s) this week: 
-The gift of a cinnamon bun.  My sweet, sweet friend  Jessica brought me a cinnamon bun on my birthday at work.  This was the best start to my day.
Miss Anything? Enjoying a glass of wine after a long day of work.    
Movement: I'm LOVING the kicks!  It feels like pop rocks in my tummy and it's the coolest feeling ever.  It's so reassuring and makes me feel much more connected to my little nugget.  
Food cravings: Cereal and raisins still.  My sweet tooth is out of control.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Chicken.  Unless it's on a Chipotle burrito.  
Gender: Baby Boy
Labor Signs: No.... but I am so terrified of what's to come. 
-Ligament Pain
Belly Button in or out? In.... and still changing.  It is really freaking me out.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happier this week.  And so grateful for family and friends.
Looking forward to: Reaching the halfway mark! 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Week 18

Baby is the Size of a Sweet Potato 

18 weeks, 5 days

Harrison can yawn, hiccup, and swallow! 

How far along? 18 weeks
Maternity clothes? I couldn't live without them.  I just ordered another pair of maternity yoga pants because I'm pretty sure my husband thinks that my black ones are the only pants I own.  They are just so dang comfy.      
Stretch marks? No- fingers crossed! 
Sleep: I took 3 naps this week.  I am so tired again!  At work, I feel like I am just going through the motions and want nothing more than my couch.  I'm sure it's the combination of growing a human and re-adjusting to 5:15 AM alarm clocks, but I hope this passes soon.  Is professional napping a thing?
Best moment(s) this week: 
-Starting to decorate the nursery!  Well, nothing is actually in it yet, but my husband started building our crib and I ordered a rocker.  Progress.  I'll post pictures as soon as he's done with the furniture!

Miss Anything? It's football season so.... beer.  I tried the Amber O'Douls this week, which was... better.  It tastes like beer, albeit crappy beer, but at least it satisfies the craving.    
Movement: WE HAVE A KICKER!! It started a few days ago and it's the coolest thing ever!  I wasn't sure at first, but then the kicks started growing stronger and I knew it was him.  There are no words to describe the feeling.  To me, it's not a flutter, more of a tap from the inside-sometimes one, sometimes a few.  I can only feel him when I'm sitting or on my side and very relaxed, so this usually only occurs at night, but I look forward to it each day!  This is seriously the best part of my day.  I can only imagine how much better it will be when he's here!   
Food cravings: Cereal (cinnamon toast crunch), orange fanta, and raisins.  Not together.  I'm limiting my soda, but I eat a bowl of cereal about three times a day.  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Chicken.  I tried to eat some wings for the game, but after smelling them cooking I just couldn't do it.  
Gender: Boy <3 
Labor Signs: No
-Ligament Pain- I'm still feeling the stretching and growing pains of my uterus, which has now led to a very painful feeling in my butt.  It got much worse today and it hurts with every step I take.  I'm spending the rest of the day on the couch resting it, so hopefully it's better tomorrow or I don't know how I'm going to walk around my classroom all day.  Owwww. 
Belly Button in or out? In.... but, it is starting to change shape which is freaking me out!  Belly buttons weird me out anyway, so I'm not quite sure how I feel about this.  
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody.  I'm not sure what's up with me this week.  I feel extremely overwhelmed and stressed at work, I'm exhausted, and I know I've been very snappy.  I'll blame it on the hormones, but I hope I go back to my happy, energetic self soon.   Maybe some donuts will help. 
Looking forward to: My birthday on Friday :)  I love birthdays so hopefully that will snap me out of my moodiness.  It's so neat to think that next year I'll get to celebrate my birthday with Harrison! 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Week 17

Baby is the Size of a Pomegranate 

17 weeks, 5 days

Baby boy is 5 inches long and his senses are developing.

I am so very excited to announce our baby's name this week.  I know a lot of people shy away from this, but I can't keep any secrets.  I've had a baby name list on my phone for longer than I'd like to admit and started narrowing it down the moment I got pregnant.  Before our gender reveal party we had our boy and girl names picked but needed to settle on a middle name.  I am terrible at making decisions, so making one this big with 5 months to spare is quite a feat for me.  AND I'm already prepared with Baby #2s name... in a few years.  I hope you all love his name as much as we do, and if you don't then just pretend you do.

Harrison Michael Hall

So, where did his first name come from?  Well, the hubs and I had a very hard time agreeing on names.  He didn't like many from my excessive list and wasn't offering any valid suggestions (naming him after our dog was not an option) so we narrowed it down to three that we could agree on.  Then over time, we both just started using Harrison in everyday conversation without even realizing it.  We wanted something unique, yet still classic and timeless, and to us, this name is perfect for our little boy. 

And his middle name?  This one was tricky.  Since his first name has no family ties, I really wanted his middle name to mean something.  I think we went through every family name (Milkus, Kermit, Twing), city we've visited, and Florida State landmark before settling on a name.  I didn't want anything too unordinary for his middle name since his first name is not extremely common.   After trying out different monogram options (thanks Jacki) and debating the way names sound, we settled on Michael.  If I'm lucky, my son will be a mini version of my husband, so who better to name him after?  

How far along? 17  weeks
Maternity clothes? Absolutely.  My maxi dresses and maternity pants are my only options. Is it leggings season yet?
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I'm starting to have some trouble sleeping.  It's harder to get comfortable these days, especially since I can no longer lie on my back. 
Best moment(s) this week: 
1) Prenatal Massage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
2)Spending the weekend with my parents at a wedding in Tampa.  It was nice to relax on the beach and be treated to a massage.
3)Registering for Harrison!  I'm very excited about what we picked out for baby H and I can't wait to start decorating the nursery. 
Miss Anything? Adult beverages.  This weekend was the first weekend I truly missed a drink.  Fancy hotel, beach, football, wedding... But, I know it will all be worth it!  I did have one O'Doul's during the game (GO NOLES), but it was awful. AWFUL.  
Movement: Waitinggggg
Food cravings: Zaxby's birthday cake milkshakes.  I may or may not have had two this week.   
Anything making you queasy or sick: BBQ still.
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: No
-Round Ligament Pain- although it's not pleasant, it means the baby is growing, so I'll take it.
-Back Pain- My back is really starting to hurt.  The body pillow and massage help, but I'm afraid for how much worse it might get.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy :D  I'm soooo excited to have a little boy and I can't wait to meet him.
Looking forward to: Decorating the nursery!