Saturday, October 3, 2015

8 Months Old

8 Months Newish

My whole heart.  I don't know what I ever did without him.  He makes every day worth waking up to and it's impossible to be in a bad mood with him around.  I am really starting to see his personality shine, and although I know he's going to be a handful, I can also see how adventurous, curious, kind, bubbly, and outgoing he is turning out to be.  I am so proud to be his mama.

Walker- He chases our dog around the house and has turned into a speed demon.
Crawling- He loves his newfound mobility - he gets so proud when he reaches his destination-- he'll look at you and smile and laugh. 
Solid food- We started giving him puffs in the last week or so and he is obsessed!  He would eat them all day if we let him.
Bathtime- He loves splashing in the water and playing with his bath toys.
Anticipation Games-  So many giggles!
Banging things to make noise, lots and lots of noise. 


Getting dressed
Diaper changes 


He eats four 8 oz bottles a day with solid snacks in between.  He takes a morning and an afternoon nap lasting between 30 minutes to two hours long.  He goes to bed between 7-7:30 and sleeps through the night (hallelujah).  

28" long, 19 lbs 14oz, blue eyes, blonde hair.  He's so squishy and perfect.  He has the biggest gummy smile that will melt your heart.


-Pulling up to his knees 
-Pincher grasp
- Holding two toys in both hands
-Waving (not at the right time, but it's so cute to watch him practice)
-Gives open mouth kisses 


-Real solid food (bread)
-Babysitter (woohoo!)

Baby proofing!  Room by room we are figuring out that our previous decor style is not suitable for mobile babies.  Bye bye coffee table and dining room - Hello soft ottoman and play room! 


Time really does fly.  I have a few friends that recently had babies and I can't believe that just 8 months ago Harrison was that tiny.  I remember the sleepless nights and the questions and concerns like it was yesterday, but now my baby is crawling and I get 8 hours of sleep and it happened in the blink of an eye.  I'm cherishing every moment because I know all too soon he'll be a toddler and then a teenager and I want all the snuggles and giggles I can get before then.