Monday, July 28, 2014

Week 12

Baby is the Size of an Apricot 

This has been the most incredible week of pregnancy so far, which only makes me 1,000 times more excited for what's to come.  Today marks the end of my first trimester journey and I am looking forward to my second trimester more than ever. 

My 12 week appointment was on Thursday and it was such an amazing experience that I'm thankful my husband got to share in.  If they would have let me stay and watch my baby on screen all day I would have.  I had no idea that my baby was already so active! We got to see our little nugget roll over, kick, move his or her hands around, react whenever Mike made me laugh, and hear the heartbeat.  We were both in awe of this little miracle inside of me and it made it even more real for both of us.  
An active baby makes for a blurry sonogram.  I'm ok with that :)

Also on Thursday, we shared the news with the rest of the world.  We decided to wait until the 12 week appointment to make sure everything was progressing normally.  The response we got was overwhelming and we are so lucky to have such wonderful people in our lives.  Baby Hall is going to be one loved and spoiled baby!  Here is what we used for our online pregnancy announcement:

One scary thing happened to me this week, which I hopefully never experience again.  On Sunday, we went to the beach and then to lunch.  We sat outside for lunch because there was a wait inside and we were starving.  I was eating my stuffed french toast when the restaurant started spinning and all I could see were spots.  I felt like I was going to vomit and I was dripping sweat.  I thought that I was going to pass out, but Mike cooled me down with some ice and I held on to the table for dear life.  We got the check and booked it out of there.  I learned my lesson- less Florida sun, more water, and air conditioned lunches.  

12 weeks, 5 days

Baby is about 2.1 inches and weighs .49 oz
How far along? 12 weeks
Maternity clothes? I bought some maternity jeans, but am mostly wearing maxi dresses since it's 100 degrees outside. 
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I slept pretty well this week- took a few long naps and slept through the night!   
Best moment(s) this week: See entire post above ^^
Miss Anything? Green tea lattes from Starbucks- my go to summer drink.  I know I'm allowed to have some caffeine, but I'm afraid to have any.  Someone tell me it's ok!    
Movement: I saw it! I just can't feel it yet. 
Food cravings: Nothing specific this week. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Strong smelling meaty foods...
Gender: My doctor doesn't check until 20 weeks, so I'm trying to convince Mike that we should go to one of those places that checks for the gender early.. maybe around 17 weeks?
Labor Signs: No
-Dizziness (just once)- Hopefully this is not a common symptom
 -Nausea- Only at night after I take my vitamins 
-Sore breasts
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Both 
Looking forward to: Starting the second trimester! 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Week 11

Baby is the Size of a Lime

11 weeks, 2 days

I can't believe how much my little nugget has grown in just a few weeks!
Baby is growing hair follicles and fingernails. 

How far along? 11 weeks
Maternity clothes? Sometimes! I wore a couple of maternity items this week.  I can still fit into most of my clothes, but new clothes are more fun :)
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Napping is still essential since I no longer sleep through the night thanks to frequent bathroom breaks. 
Best moment this week: Spending our Sunday with friends for Peyton's baptism.  It was the first time we have all been together since our friends have had their kids this year.  It was so crazy and wonderful to see how much has changed in a year and I am so excited for the future! Our Kappa Sigma Wives Club has turned into the Kappa Sigma Babies Club. 
In order of age (right to left)- Jackson, Joseph, Adelyn, Peyton, Baby Hall <3

This might be my favorite picture of all time.

Miss Anything? Waking up and feeling rested. 
Movement: None
Food cravings: I have a pretty steady diet of cereal for breakfast and a bagel with cream cheese and jelly for lunch. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: BBQ and Indian... ick
Gender: Dying to know!! 
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: This week has been better than the last few but I'm still feeling...
-Slightly nauseous
-Extreme thirst at night 
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Both
Looking forward to: Our 12 week sonogram! 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Week 10

Baby is the Size of a {Small} Plum

This was such a fun baby week for me!  My mom came into town for the weekend and took me shopping for maternity clothes.  My bump has started to form (YAY!) and I can't wait to start rocking my new wardrobe.  I don't need the maternity clothes yet, but I will in 4 weeks when I go back to work.  It was so fun having the future grandma around to look at the adorable baby clothes and analyze stroller options. 
10 weeks, 4 days

My options this week were kumquat, prune, and small plum.  This plum is probably a little bigger than my baby, but I just couldn't find a kumquat at Publix and prunes are not known for being photogenic.
His or her digestive system is functional now.

How far along? 10 weeks
Maternity clothes? Hanging in the closet! 
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I'm still having some vivid dreams, like teaching kindergarten instead of 10th grade and not knowing the math, but I seem to be having less of them.   
Best moment(s) this week: Shopping for baby things with my mom :)
Miss Anything? Energy.  
Movement: None
Food cravings: I still have a sweet tooth, but I've been ok with salty this week too. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: The thought of Indian food or BBQ.  
Gender: Waiting patiently... 
Labor Signs: No
-Morning sickness- Still at night.  I bought some Preggie Pop Drops and those help a little.
-Exhaustion- I'm trying not to nap every day, which is helping me sleep at night, but when I do it's a solid 2 hour event. 
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody 
Looking forward to: The end of the first trimester! 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Week 9

Baby is the Size of a {Wild} Strawberry

9 weeks, 6 days

Heart shaped strawberry happiness.
Baby is an inch long! 

How far along? 9 weeks
Maternity clothes? Not yet.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Vivid dreams are waking me up almost every night.  Some interesting dreams from this week are of my husband leaving me with an evil creature in our bathroom and my friend Kristin tricking me into drinking while pregnant and then telling the entire restaurant.  I also went to Paris in my dreams this week, but never got to leave the hotel.   
Best moment(s) this week: 
Everyone's continued love and support. 
Miss Anything? Sandwiches- I would kill for a non toasted Pub Sub. Also, margaritas.  
Movement: None
Food cravings: Anything and everything sweet.  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Strong smells in the kitchen and meat. 
Gender: I'm not sure how I'm going to make it to 18 weeks! 
Labor Signs: No
-Morning sickness- Usually at night, thank goodness for ginger ale. 
-Exhaustion- Thank goodness my two pups love nap time as much as I do these days.  
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Both
Looking forward to: Narrowing down our baby name selection- we are slowly making progress!     ...and SHOWING.  I'm ready for these awkward bump photos to actually have a bump :)