Monday, November 2, 2015

9 Months Old

9 Months Newish

This month has been hard for me.  I'm really struggling with being at work and missing him growing and changing by the minute.  He's such a smart, funny, curious, and clever little boy and I wish I was there to experience it more than a few hours a day and on the weekends.  I feel so lucky to have him as my son and just wish we could spend every moment together while he doesn't find me embarrassing, although I look forward to that.  He's changed so much in the past couple of months and I'm so proud of the tiny human he is becoming. 

Puffs & Crunchies-  This kid loves to eat.
Banging on tables
Pulling up and pulling things off of tables (commence baby proofing)
Walker- he does laps around the house 
Smiling and flirting with everyone 

When we take things away
When we walk out of the room

Harrison has three-four 8 oz bottles a day, with solids in between.  He is eating "real" solids sometimes and likes to eat off of our plate.  He's down to an average of one nap, sometimes two, sometimes zero.  He sleeps through the night (unless he's teething) so we can't really complain.  

Finally some new features!  He has one bottom tooth and the other one is making its' way through.  He's still a blue eyed blonde and is more handsome than ever!  I have no idea what he weighs right now (I'm holding out for the doctor's appointment so I don't have to get on the scale), so I'll get back to you on that one.  

-Pulling Up
-Standing on his own for short periods of time

-Trip to Disney World
-Halloween (he was a monkey, duh)

Keeping up with this little man!  He's into EVERYTHING. 

I would give anything to be a stay at home mom.  I know people are split on the issue; some say they would be bored, some say they need the structure of the work day.  And I get both sides, because I've been on both of them.  As a teacher, I have long holidays and normal work days, and after experiencing both I know that I would be happy at home with this little guy.  Unfortunately, it's not in our cards right now, but who knows what the future holds.  So, for those of you lucky enough to be at home, enjoy it, even the frustrating moments, and rock that SAHM life.  And for those that prefer to work, or have to, you go mama!  Either way- we're all in this together and maybe I'll join you for the park play dates in a few years :) 

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