Monday, November 24, 2014

Week 29

Baby is the Size of a Pineapple

29 weeks, 5 days
Harrison is getting more energy from growing white fat deposits
under his skin and Mommy can feel all of that excitement!

How far along? 29 weeks 
Maternity clothes? Like anything else would fit...
Stretch marks? No, and I'm not sure how that's even possible with how much he's grown in the past few weeks!  I feel huge. 
Sleep: I'm sure you've gathered by now that I'm not sleeping well.  Last night, Harrison would not stop kicking, punching, rolling over, trying to escape, whatever, and it was painful.  I was up for what felt like hours listening to my husband and dogs snore as I was being punched repeatedly from the inside.  Finally, I got out of bed and rocked myself back and forth since the only time he is still is when I'm moving.  It worked! He fell asleep, and so did I until my next midnight bathroom run.  This child is not even here yet and I'm already rocking him to sleep.  
Best moment(s) this week: 
-Our doctor's appointment this week reassuring us that he's a happy, growing baby in there
Miss Anything? 
Relaxing.  When I rest, I get kicked.  When I try to sleep, I think about my never ending to-do list.  When I stress, I can't have wine.  I feel like my mind is on constant go mode, even though I don't have the energy to accomplish much.  
Movement: This boy likes to party.
Food cravings: Hot chocolate, breakfast foods, anything full of sugar... 
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Most vegetables.  The only salad I can tolerate is one with fruit in it and a creamy balsamic dressing. 
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Just a few Braxton Hicks, but nothing too unpleasant 
-Appetite-My appetite came back this week in full force and no donut was safe
-Excessive thirst- Give me that water! 
-Exhaustion- I think this is a symptom I'll be experiencing for a very long time, like, forever.
-Weight Gain- 18.6 lbs 
Belly Button in or out? Strange shape, but still in
Wedding rings on or off? Still on
Happy or Moody most of the time: MOODY.  I just have so many feelings!  I feel ready to snap or cry (you never know which one) at a moment's notice and I never know what will set me off.  I'm a ticking time bomb of emotions. 
Looking forward to: THANKSGIVING!  Is there a better holiday for a pregnant lady?  I think not.   

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Week 28

Baby is the Size of an Eggplant 

28 weeks, 4 days 
Harrison is packing on more fat , secreting androgen from his adrenal glands,
and momma needs a manicure. 
How far along? 28 weeks
Maternity clothes? Sweaters and leggings are life changing
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: I've been taking naps almost every day, which is nice, but it makes me feel so unproductive.  At work I'm exhausted and try to get as much done as I can, but I just want to go home so I can nap.  And when I get home I feel like I should be cleaning something, but then the couch calls my name and... zzzzzz. 
Best moment(s) this week: 
-Heather and Josh's Gender Reveal Party-- it was so amazing to look around and see how far we've all come together.  Most of us met in college, attended each other's weddings, and now we are having babies and watching them grow together!  Thank you to our husbands for bringing us together. My heart is so full!
Baby Bean is a GIRL!

Miss Anything? Beer during football games, especially stressful football games like FSU vs. Miami last night.  My non-alcoholic beverage did not make watching that game any easier, but thankfully the Noles pulled off their 26th straight win so that I didn't go into early labor. 
Movement: I think he's getting crowded in there based on my aches and pains. He's still an active little nugget-kicking, punching, rolling around- you name it.  I'm up at night because he's kicking me repeatedly or I'm up at night because he's not kicking me and I worry until I feel him again.  I'd rather get kicked in the ribs all day and night and know he's ok than not feel any movement.  
Food cravings: New cravings this week! Queso, hot chocolate, and orange juice.  Mostly hot chocolate- I want it wherever we go.    
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Plain chicken- it needs to be fried or covered in some kind of sauce... but, usually I just avoid it. 
Gender: A momma's boy (hopefully!)
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks are happening- woo. hoo.  
-Loss of appetite- I never feel hungry anymore and looking at a full plate of food is daunting.  I'm trying to snack throughout the day because I know I need to eat, but I get full so quickly now
-Excessive thirst- I can't get enough water, especially at night
-Exhaustion- naps on naps on naps 
Belly Button in or out? Still in!
Wedding rings on or off? On and easy to take off- no swelling of the hands just yet! 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Both.  Overall, I feel so happy about this baby and life, but I may have snapped easily a few times this week...
Looking forward to: Our maternity photos in December!  We met with our photographers/friends this week and I'm so excited to work with them.  Also, I don't have to diet for these pictures- hallelujah! 

And here's the crib!  The nursery is still in progress, so excuse the stacks of books and things, but I wanted to share the beautiful crib Mike created for our son. 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Week 27

Baby is the Size of a Bunch of Bananas 

Well, hello third trimester!  It's so nice and terrifying to meet you.  I am not sure where the time has gone, but it is flying by!  I can't believe he will be here in less than three months.  I feel so ready, but also completely unready.  Is that parenthood?

On Tuesday we had a doctor's appointment.  I passed my glucose test, heard his heartbeat, and discussed pediatricians and prenatal classes. Now we have an appointment every two weeks- fun!

27 weeks, 4 days
Baby H can control his lungs and regulate his body temperature.
The most wonderful part of this week was my baby shower!  We were so blessed to have so many family and friends travel from near and far to celebrate baby H!  It was so wonderful and I'm not sure how I got so lucky to have such amazing people in my life.  Thank you especially to Kristin and Sandy for throwing my shower and making it so perfect!  You can look at all 100 pictures on my facebook album, but here are a few of the adorable details and beautiful people!

Harrison's Under Construction

Hostess with the mostess!
The other fabulous hostess!
Family :)

Kappa Sigma Wives & Mommas Club
Florida State Besties
Hubs <3 
Two of my favorite people

My sweet Coley- best friends since 9th grade

How far along? 27 weeks
Maternity clothes? Nothing else fits so... 
Stretch marks? I feel like he (me) quadrupled in size this week, but my skin seems to be stretching without the marks! 
Sleep: HA.  Naps are back in my life when I can squeeze them in. 
Best moment(s) this week: There are SO many this week!
-Hearing all is still well at the doctor
-Spending time with so many out of town friends and family members
-The BABY SHOWER!  It was seriously so fantastic.
-Having off two days of work (thank you veterans!)
Miss Anything? All the people in my life!  Can everyone just move to Jacksonville, PLEASE?!? Also, champagne. 
Movement: He's an active little thing.  Sometimes it's uncomfortable, but it's always a relief to feel him move and know he's ok in there. 
Food cravings: The usual- anything coated in sugar and deliciousness.  

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing stuck out this week    
Gender: A boy with a very excellent wardrobe 
Labor Signs: Just the occasional Braxton Hicks contractions- they are very rare though.  
-Exhaustion- I find myself getting worn out quickly and having to stop and rest more often
-Weight gain- 16.8 lbs 
Belly Button in or out? In, but I'm not sure what shape it is anymore. 
Wedding rings on or off? Still on!
Happy or Moody most of the time: I lost patience pretty easily this week at work, but considering I'm sleep deprived and off balance I'd say I'm still in good spirits. 
Looking forward to: Finishing the nursery!  The crib is in there and absolutely gorgeous!  I already inundated you with pictures this week, so I'll save those for next time.  I put away everything from the shower this morning and it's all coming together so beautifully!  Once the changing table is complete the room should be finished and I can't wait to show you! 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Week 26

Baby is the Size of a Butternut Squash 

26 weeks, 3 days
Happy Halloween! (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle)

Sometimes you just don't need butternut squash at your house so you're
 just the crazy lady taking pictures of produce at the grocery store.

Baby H finally opened his eyes!  He is now able to blink.
Fun fact: His testicles have descended from his abdomen to his scrotum.
He weighs more than 2 pounds!
How far along? 26 weeks
Maternity clothes? Yes yes yes. 
Stretch marks? No stretch marks, but the line down my belly finally showed up.  
Sleep: I really miss Zzzquil. 
Best moment(s) this week: 
-Spending most of the weekend with Nicole for some overdue girl time.  I'm so glad I wasn't the first pregnant one because I have about a million questions that I ask her on a daily basis.  Thanks for still being my friend :)  
-Feeling him hiccup again! 

Miss Anything? SLEEP.  And I know it's only going to get worse... How do people function like this??
Movement: I'm 100% convinced that my child had turned into an alien trying to scratch his way out of me.   
Food cravings:
Cereal- Still.  
Reese's Pumpkins- I could eat 100 of these things.  What is it about the holiday shaped ones that makes it taste better than usual?
Anything making you queasy or sick: I pretty much know what to avoid at this point.    
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: No real signs, but I did have a few Braxton Hicks contractions this week.  They were more uncomfortable than painful, and I was worried that I was going to pee my pants in a very public place.  
Symptoms: Same old, same old 
-Lack of sleep 
Belly Button in or out? In.  I'm also giving my 16 year old self the finger for getting a belly button ring at the local Maryland tattoo parlor.  The piercing has been out for years, but I'm still left with the hole of regret that is slowly stretching with my expanding waistline.   
Wedding rings on or off? On- I guess I won't be buying a fake one just yet. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: I'd say happy, my husband might say moody.  
Looking forward to: My shower next weekend!  I can't believe it's already shower time... I feel like this pregnancy is flying by so I'm really trying to cherish every kick and donut.