Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Five Months Old

Five Months New

I feel like my life is finally back to "normal."  I sleep (enough) at night, I'm able to have 2+ cups of coffee a day, and Harrison is in a predictable routine.  I don't feel like a complete mad woman when I step out of the house and it is fabulous!  For a while, I was worried that I would never feel like me again, but I'm back and better than ever.  Motherhood has given me a confidence boost and is turning me into a stronger woman.  Cheers to that!

Learning- I absolutely LOVE watching his brain work.  When he wants to figure something out he becomes super serious and practices until he gets his new skill down.  I can see his wheels spinning and it's so amazing to see him figure out new things every day.  I can really see how hard he works to learn something new and I hope it's a trait that he holds on to for the rest of his life.
Jumper-  He is still obsessed with his jumper.  I can set him in it while I'm working on something and he is perfectly content.  He becomes extremely vocal in it as he bounces his way to each learning station.
Giggle time with Dad- When Mike comes home it's on.  Mike can make this kid laugh like no other.  Harrison has a big kid laugh now and it seriously cracks me up.  This kid is hysterical.

Outfit changes- It's happening.  Everyone warned me that he would stop enjoying having his clothes changed and it's here.  Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
Strangers- Separation anxiety has started to kick in.  His best display of this was at the nail salon.  My mom and I had the brilliant idea to get our nails done together at the same time.  He was asleep when we arrived and we assumed we were in the clear, but he quickly squashed that dream.  When he awoke, he was a little whiny.  I was doing my best to rock him in his stroller with my foot while my nails were being burned by a UV light, but he was determined to make a scene.  One of the nice nail ladies offered to hold him after watching my struggle, and well, things just got worse.  I have never seen him meltdown like before and it was traumatizing.  There were tears, screams, flailing- it was just plain awful.  Lesson learned.
Avocado- This is the only solid food that he spit out.  Hopefully he'll come around.

Harrison has set a schedule for himself, which makes life pretty easy.  He goes to bed around 7:30 and sleeps until 4:00-5:00.  Then, he just needs his paci and falls back to sleep until 6-6:30.  At that time, I bring him in our room and nurse him.  Sometimes he falls back asleep until 8:00, and sometimes he's wide awake.  He then gets a 6 oz bottle around 8:30, plays for a while, then takes a nap at 10:30ish.  The length of his nap is anywhere from 45 minutes to three hours (those three hours ones are a win).  He eats again at noon (7 oz), takes an afternoon nap, eats a snack (solid food), downs another 6 oz bottle at 4, and then we wait for Dad to get home.  Once my saving grace has walked in the door our nighttime routine begins.  H is a super easy and wonderful baby, but there is nothing better than getting help at the end of the day.  We take a bath at 6:00, then giggle time with Dad, 8 oz bottle at 7:00, and finally bedtime after a super exciting goodnight drama- Llama Llama Nighty Night.

He is still a blue eyed blondie.  He is growing like a weed and he just gets cuter each day.  He is about to outgrow his 3-6 month clothing, so I'll need to invest in some more storage containers so I can cry while I pack those away.  He is wearing size 2 diapers during the day and size 3 at night.  I haven't checked his weight because that would require me getting on the scale, but my best guess would be that he is at least 16 pounds.

-Range of vocals
-Discovered feet
-Sitting unsupported for (very) short periods of time
-Eating solid food
-Recognizes his name
-Stands with support
-Deep belly laughs
-Knows the word "puppy" in reference to our dog
-Scoots (all over his crib and play mat)

-Father's Day
-Solid Food (cereal, then green beans)
-Mommy & Me Yoga Class
-Storytime at the library

Please don't hate me, but I can't think of anything to write here.  Sure, we have the occasional struggles.  He is fussy at a restaraunt, he woke up more than usual, he peed in my hair during bath time (true story), but all in all he is easy.  I am truly lucky to have him as a son.

It just keeps getting better.  I think back to the newborn stage and am in awe of how we did it.  He's SO easy now, and he just keeps getting easier.  The struggle was real, and if you're in the infant stage, hang on.  There's a light at the end of the tunnel.