Saturday, May 31, 2014

Week 5

Baby is the Size of an Appleseed

I had my pregnancy confirmation appointment this week.  And it's confirmed- I'm pregnant!  Everything looks healthy and normal and I get to go back in a couple weeks for my ultrasound.  It's starting to feel more real and I can't wait to see and hear my baby soon.

We've decided to tell our family on June 15th (Father's Day) and start telling our close friends the weekend of June 21st.  I'm flying to DC with my college best friend, Kristin, that weekend to visit my high school best friend, Nicole- I wanted to tell them in person since we already had this trip planned, and the wait is killing me!  We are going to use this card to share the news!  We are wine lovers and I knew this card was perfect the moment I saw it.

Here are this week's photos- no bump yet:
5 weeks, 2 days

Our little appleseed is growing and Mommy can feel it!
Baby H's major organs are beginning to develop. 

How far along? 5 weeks
Maternity clothes? No
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: No problems yet.
Best moment this week: Confirming my pregnancy with the doctor and hearing that all is well with my little appleseed :)   
Miss Anything? Wine. Wine. Wine. 
Movement: None
Food cravings: Wanting donuts, but refusing to give in.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I tried pineapple, which I usually love, but it tasted off to me this week... 
Gender: Not a clue
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Nausea has increased- it comes and goes in waves.  I'm still having abdominal cramping (one day was excruciating) and I'm exhausted after work. I'm also hungry ALL THE TIME. In better news, the bloating has subsided, thank goodness!
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Telling our close friends Ben and Nicole this evening that their 2 month old will soon have a friend!  We decided to tell them sooner because 1) They are dear friends, 2) Nicole would know instantly if I wasn't sharing a bottle of wine with her, and 3) It will be so wonderful to have someone to call and ask questions and whine ;) about my pregnancy -- Deciding who to tell and when has been a challenge for us, but I think we have figured out what works best for us. 

Monday, May 26, 2014

Week 4

Baby is the Size of a Poppyseed

I found out I was pregnant on Friday, May 23, 2014.  My husband and I decided to start trying in January 2014, after his New Year's Resolution in our annual "Guess the Resolution" party game was "to start a family."  I felt like he was proposing all over again.

I stopped taking birth control that month, downloaded the Glow app (amazing, by the way), and began our journey.  A few months went by of charting and negative tests and then May rolled around.  It was the end of the school year (I'm a high school teacher) and I was more worried about my 148 kids making it until June than about my own possible child.  I stopped charting, stressing, and documenting and what do you know....

I jumped up and down, cried a little, and immediately started pinning nursery ideas on a secret board.  One for Baby Boy Hall and one for Baby Girl Hall.  I had to pass the time until my husband came home so I could share the news and I needed to do more than walk around the house in circles carrying two pee sticks.  I was afraid if I set them down they would change their minds and turn negative on me.  My husband's hobby is woodworking, and a while ago I bought him a book with projects in it for this very occassion.  I stuck a note in the children's section so he would open up to my note about the crib.  Once the words "I'm pregnant" came out of my mouth he picked me up, freaked out with me, and then took me out to dinner to celebrate, where I drank water instead of champagne, which was a first for me.

Here is my first "bump" photo.  No actual bump yet, but I am starting to feel some changes.  Below is a list of questions that I found from this amazing blog that I plan to use every week - I really hope she doesn't mind me borrowing!
4 weeks, 1 day

Our little poppyseed :)
Baby's neural tube is forming. 

How far along? 4 weeks
Maternity clothes? No
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Not a problem, going to bed early and waking up bright and early
Best moment this week: Getting a positive pregnancy test and seeing my husband’s reaction!  I didn’t believe it until I read the digital results.  I took one, and went to the store for another one because it didn't seem real.  Then I took two more tests a few days later.    
Miss Anything? Wine…and beer.  And soft cheeses.
Movement: None
Food cravings: None
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: No idea!
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Occasional nausea, abdominal cramping, and BLOATING (UGH). 
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody
Looking forward to: Sharing the news with our friends and family-I hate secrets!